Youth Exchange and Study Program to US

If you are a secondary school student in Indonesia interested in applying for the YES Program.

Age Range: 16-18 years of age at program commencement.
Grade Level: Gap year is not recommended.
Host Communities: Students are typically hosted in Jakarta, Medan, or Surabaya.
Language: The language of instruction is Bahasa Indonesia. Students will learn Bahasa Indonesia and local dialects.

Host Family

Students will live with host families in order to experience a true immersion into Indonesian culture. Families are selected based on recommendations from members of the local community, and each is carefully screened by AFS staff and volunteers. Many families hold a position of influence within their community, and all are highly regarded by their relatives and neighbors. Hosting communities exist through the presence of a strong volunteer support network, with a local volunteer, or “liaison,” available to each student hosted in the community.

Support Structure
Students are supported through a strong network of AFS staff and volunteers both in the United States and in-country in Indonesia. Within the larger volunteer community, each student will have a local volunteer, or “liaison,” assigned to him or her, who is often either an alum of the YES program, a past host parent or a teacher at the student’s school. Each student will be given a cell phone after arriving, and will have the contact number for the AFS-Indonesia office. In the case of emergency, a Duty Officer is on-call 24/7 in both Indonesia and the U.S., and this number is made available to both students on-program as well as their parents.
Cultural Activities
Various extracurricular activities will be offered to students both in and outside of school. Examples of some of the opportunities that will be made available include lessons in traditional Indonesian dance and music, futsal, capoeira, karate, and Pencak Silat, a traditional Indonesian martial art. There will also be a variety of cultural excursions for students to take with local volunteers and Indonesian YES Program alumni.
School Life
Students will likely be placed in public schools and can choose to be in the first or second year, where there is more flexibility in course selection. The language of instruction in schools is Bahasa Indonesia, and students will have the opportunity for extra language lessons either in school or with a private tutor. All Indonesian students wear school uniforms, and unlike American schools, will stay in the same classroom for the day. The average class size is forty students.
–>>For further information, best quickly refer to this site
Source: Retrieved from <; on 13 January 2012.

[Beasiswa ke Korea] Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) for International Undergraduate Students

Assalamu’alaikum. Ada yang bermimpi untuk melanjutkan kuliah ke negeri Korea? kali ini ada informasi beasiswa for Undergraduated Students ke Salah satu dari sekian banyak universitas yang ternama di Korea. Untuk informasi lengkapnya, silahkan kunjungi link berikut ini:

Semoga berhasil ya. Amin.

Beasiswa Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies Scholarships (OCISS) – United Kingdom for Undergraduated Students

[UK] Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies Scholarships (OCISS)

These scholarships have been established by the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies to allow graduates to pursue study of benefit to the Muslim world.

The Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies is a Recognized Independent Centre of the University of Oxford. It was established in 1985 to encourage the scholarly study of Islam and the Islamic world. The Centre provides a meeting point for the Western and Islamic worlds of learning. At Oxford it contributes to the multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary study of the Islamic world. Beyond Oxford, its role is strengthened by an international network of academic contacts.

Am I eligible?
Open to British Muslim students and students from the following developing countries in Asia and Africa: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Côte d`Ivoire, Egypt, Djibouti, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Indonesia, India, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Suriname, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan and Yemen Arab Republic.

You must be able to show how your intended course of study is of relevance to the Muslim world. UK students must also be Muslims. This scholarship is open to candidates studying for all degree bearing courses, with the exception of PGCert and PGDip courses.

What does it cover?
100% of university and college fees, and a grant for living costs (the rate in 2011-12 was £12,300). Awards are made for the full duration of a student`s fee liability for the agreed course. If your scholarship is offered for a course lasting more than one year, the continuation of your scholarship each year is subject to an annual renewal process based on satisfactory academic progress. Scholars will be expected to write an annual report about their academic and social activities and achievements at the university.

How do I apply?
Apply at the same time as you apply to Oxford by selecting Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies Scholarships (OCISS) in the Funding Section of the University`s Graduate Application Form. Candidates should apply by Application Deadline 2 (6 January 2012 for Medical Sciences and Philosophy; 20 January 2012 for all other subjects).

In order to be considered for this scholarship, you must submit your application for graduate study by the January deadline (20 January 2012) and you must have secured a place on your chosen programme of study by the expected final decision date (16 March 2012). Applications with an outstanding admissions decision after this date, or applications which are re-evaluated against the later March deadline field, are not eligible for scholarship consideration.

You must also complete a Scholarship Supporting Statement and upload it together with your Graduate Application Form by the application deadline in order for your application to be complete.

If you do not apply in full by the deadline, you will not be considered for the scholarship, even if you have selected Oxford Centre for Islamic Studeis Scholarships (OCISS) on the Graduate Application Form.

How will I know if I have been successful?
Successful candidates will be notified by email by summer 2012. This webpage will be updated to show when all decisions have been made. If you have not heard from us by the time this notice is posted, then your application to this scheme has been unsuccessful. Due to the volume of applications we receive, we are unable to contact unsuccessful applicants individually or provide feedback on applications.

Download supporting statement 2012 (41kb)

For Further information, visit the links as follows:

Beasiswa DataPrint Indonesia

Visit this website link for sure;


Persyaratan Umum:

1.  Pelajar/mahasiswa aktif dari tingkat SMP hingga perguruan tinggi untuk jenjang D3/S1

2.  Terlibat aktif di kegiatan atau organisasi sekolah/perguruan tinggi

3.  Tidak terlibat narkoba atau pernah melakukan tindak kriminal

4.  Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari perusahaan lain. Jika saat ini peserta masih menerima beasiswa dari kampus, peserta berhak mengikuti pendaftaran beasiswa dari DataPrint.

Peraturan Lomba :

1.  Mengisi formulir registrasi di kolom Pendaftaran

2.  Satu nomor kupon yang terdapat di dalam produk DataPrint, hanya berlaku untuk satu kali registrasi

3.  Pendaftaran tidak dipungut biaya

4.  Isilah formulir dengan sebenar-benarnya.

5. Kolom NAMA, diisi dengan nama lengkap

6. Kolom KODE KUPON, diisi dengan kode yang tertera pada bagian belakang kupon yang ada di dalam produk DataPrint

7. Kolom EMAIL, diisi dengan email aktif yang masih berlaku

8. Kolom ALAMAT, diisi dengan tempat domisili saat ini

9. Kolom NO TELPON, diisi dengan no HP atau no telpon rumah yang masih aktif dan bisa dihubungi

10. Kolom PENDIDIKAN, diisi dengan jenjang pendidikan yang sedang ditempuh saat ini. Tuliskan juga nama sekolah/perguruan tinggi di kolom ini.

11. Kolom KEGIATAN YANG DIIKUTI, diisi dengan kegiatan yang pernah dan sedang diikuti saat ini.

12. Kolom LAMA MENGGUNAKAN DATAPRINT, diisi dengan waktu penggunaan produk DataPrint

13. Kolom MENGETAHUI INFORMASI BEASISWA, diisi dengan narasumber awal yang memberitahu mengenai program beasiwa pendidikan DataPrint

14. Kolom NILAI RAPORT (BAGI PELAJAR), diisi dengan total nilai secara keseluruhan beserta jumlah mata pelajaran pada semester terakhir. Ingat, kolom ini hanya diisi oleh pelajar atau mahasiswa baru yang belum mempunyai IP.
Contoh: 98 dari 7 mata pelajaran

15. Kolom IPK TERAKHIR (BAGI MAHASIWA), diisi dengan nilai IPK atau jika belum memiliki IPK boleh diisi dengan nilai IP semester terakhir. Tuliskan juga semester yang sedang ditempuh. Ingat, kolom ini hanya diisi oleh mahasiswa, bukan pelajar.

16. Kolom ESSAY, diisi dengan karya tulis/essay berisi hasil pemikiran kamu sendiri sesuai dengan tema yang telah ditentukan. Panjang penulisan minimal 100 kata, maksimal 500 kata. Tema akan berubah setiap periode. Jenis tema akan diumumkan setiap tanggal 1 di periode tersebut.
Dilarang mengcopy paste tulisan orang lain. Jika bermaksud untuk menyadur atau mengutip tulisan orang lain, tuliskan juga sumbernya.

17.  Beasiswa akan dibagi menjadi 2 periode.

18.  Jika gagal di periode pertama, peserta BOLEH mendaftarkan diri di periode selanjutnya.

19.  Penerima beasiswa yang telah mendapat dana beasiswa di satu periode TIDAK DAPAT menjadi penerima beasiswa di periode selanjutnya.

20.  Waktu per periode:

Periode 1: 1 Maret  – 31 Juli

Periode 2: 1 Agustus – 31 Desember

21.  Perincian pemenang per periode sebagai berikut:

@ Rp 1.000.000 @ Rp 500.000 @ Rp 250.000
Periode I 50 orang 50 orang 250 orang
Periode II 50 orang 50 orang 250 orang

22.  Penerima beasiswa akan diseleksi (bukan diundi) oleh tim dari DataPrint.

23.  Panitia tidak menghubungi penerima beasiswa. Nama penerima beasiswa  dapat dilihat di website ini, website DataPrint atau di . Simpan fotokopi raport terakhir atau IPK terakhir dan kupon sebagai bukti sah verifikasi jika Anda terseleksi sebagai penerima dana beasiswa.

15.  Dana beasiswa akan diberikan sekaligus dan secara langsung kepada penerima di periode tersebut.

16.  Dana beasiswa akan dikirimkan dalam jangka waktu paling lambat satu bulan setelah pengumuman dan atau setelah selesainya pemberkasan dari para penerima beasiswa.

17.  Beasiswa akan ditransfer melalui bank BCA. Bagi penerima beasiswa yang menggunakan rekening bank lain, biaya administrasi ditanggung penerima.

18.  Penerima beasiswa akan diumumkan di website DataPrint ,  page Facebook DataPrint setiap tanggal 10 di bulan berikutnya.

Total Hadiah Beasiswa

100 beasiswa @ Rp 1.000.000

100 beasiswa @ Rp 500.000

500 beasiswa @ Rp 250.000


TEMA ESSAY PERIODE I :  (sudah ditutup)

“menurut kamu apa fokus utama yg harus diperbaiki di dunia pendidikan saat ini”




Pengumuman penerima beasiswa tanggal 10 Januari 2012.




1.  Siapakah yang boleh mendaftarkan diri di beasiswa DataPrint

Semua pelajar atau mahasiswa yang masih aktif

2.  Apa saja persyaratan mengikuti pendaftaran beasiswa DataPrint?

Cukup isi semua kolom di formulir registrasi dengan data yang sebenar-benarnya. Kalau kamu keluar sebagai salah satu penerima dana beasiswa, pihak DataPrint akan menghubungi kamu untuk melakukan verifikasi data.

3.  Apakah pendaftaran dipungut biaya?

Pendaftaran beasiswa sama sekali tidak dipungut biaya atau gratis.

4.  Berapa dana beasiswa yang akan saya terima?

Dana beasiswa akan diberikan sebesar Rp 1.000.000, Rp 500.000 dan Rp 250.000

Penentuan besaran dana beasiswa yang akan diterima ditentukan oleh tim DataPrint.

5.  Apakah penerima beasiswa di satu periode dapat menjadi penerima beasiswa lagi?

Tidak, penerima beasiswa yang sudah pernah menerima beasiswa tidak berhak menjadi penerima beasiswa di periode berikutnya.

6.  Bagaimana cara pemberian beasiswa?

Dana beasiswa akan ditransfer kepada penerima.

7.  Kapan beasiswa akan diterima?

Setelah verifikasi yang dilakukan oleh pihak DataPrint selesai atau kurang lebih satu bulan setelah pengumuman.

8.  Apakah beasiswa yang diterima akan terkena pajak?

Tidak, beasiswa yang diterima tidak dikenai pajak. Dana beasiswa akan ditransfer melalui rekening BCA. Bagi penerima beasiwa yang memiliki rekening selain BCA maka dana administrasi akan ditanggung penerima.

9.  Dimana pengumuman penerima beasiswa dapat dilihat?

Pengumuman dapat dilihat di website DataPrint , page Facebook DataPrint

Indonesia English Language Study Program (IELSP) Cohort X

IIEF holds an Indonesia English Language Study Program (IELSP). It is a program that offers a chance to enroll in English Language Courses at prominent universities in the United States for a period of 8 (eight) weeks.

The goal of this program is to improve the ability of participant’s English language, especially in English for Academic Purposes. Other than that, participants will have the chance to learn intimately the people and culture of the United States. IELSP participants will join the immersion program where they will mix with other participants from other nations and countries. Within this program, participants will not only learn the English language, but they will also join various cultural programs that will enrich their experience.

for further information about IELSP Cohort X, please click the link < >

To download the application form, please click here

Source: < >